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You can be part of this compassionate work without leaving your chair – make a contribution online through our secure payment facility.

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Give time

Join our 2500 members and volunteers who live their faith by reaching out to disadvantaged people in their local community.

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Give skills

Do you know how to lay bricks? Plumbing … dressmaking … knitting? Can you start a vegetable garden … tutor a child? Contact us!

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Give resources

Supplies such as blankets, clothing and shoes, toiletries, food, building materials and paint, fabric and knitting wool are always needed.

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Join the 'Pilgrims of Hope'

The humblest gift, given with love, makes all the difference!

This is a very special year for Catholics


We’re celebrating a Jubilee Year – something that only happens every 25 years. Dating back to the time of Moses, these years of mercy were marked by gracious acts such as setting slaves free and writing off debts.


Today, they still stand for times when we forgive others for past wrongs, and repent our own transgressions. We are asked to share God’s mercy, and respond to His call to pursue justice and help the world’s poorest people. This year we are called to become ‘pilgrims of hope’, shining our light into the darkest places.


We don’t have to look far to find someone to help. From beggars at the traffic lights to homeless people living under the bridges … the hopeless, jobless people who sit outside factories, hoping that they may be picked for a day’s work … and children who go hungry most days.


As ‘pilgrims of hope’, we must reach out  … offering a plate of food, a helping hand, some words of encouragement. Any small act of kindness that turns despair into hope for someone in need.

Donate now

Please join the ‘pilgrims of hope’ by making a donation towards food parcels and soup kitchens, clothing and shoes, or school uniforms and books for children from poor families.

Your donation – made online right now – will be channeled to wherever it’s needed to bring a little hope to those who need it most.


Let’s celebrate this Jubilee Year by becoming ‘pilgrims of hope’ for those who are less fortunate.

Heart of our work

Our core work involves alleviating the worst human suffering in areas of abject poverty – where families live in homes made of cardboard or thin plastic … where unemployment and malnutrition is rife … and where parents are dying and leaving children to care for one another.

We help the hungry, the homeless, the sick, vulnerable children and destitute aged.

And because most of the work is done by volunteers, almost every cent you donate goes directly to helping those in need.

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Kindness by numbers






Why we do this work