For about ten years, Lenny* would visit our weekly feeding scheme at St Jude’s whenever he had no food. He stood out because of the way he lived his life with a smile, respect and perseverance in the face...
St Jude's Conference in the West Coast region has big goals for this year, and after just a few months, they are already well on the way to fulfilling them.
A large contingent of SSVP Youth attended the Blessed Benedict Daswa pilgrimage at Tshitanini, Venda at the end of February.
Youth Career Awareness Month, which takes place in April 2024. The Youth Coordinators saw a need for this among young people in our communities and parishes.
On 19 November - World Day of the Poor – Vincentians heeded the call to reach out to their less privileged neighbours and ensure that everyone had something to eat.
On 28 September, the Blessed Sacrament Church in Malvern, Johannesburg, completely descrated - statues smashed, podium broken, bible torn up and more.
View the video of the entire ceremony for the commissioning of the new National President of SSVP in South Africa.
It was an answer to prayer, a time of resting in God, allowing God to lead me, experiencing the mercy of God, strengthening of and learning more about my faith – filling up my cup.
Soweto district conferences came together to offer a fitting farewell to our outgoing National President, Br Peter Keshwar, who has been at the helm of the organisation for the past six years.
We were thrilled to be able to send a group of young South African Vincentians to World Youth Day, which took place in Lisbon from 1 to 6 August 2023.