On Sunday, 23 April at 3:30 pm (Paris time), a Holy Mass of Thanksgiving will be celebrated for the 190th anniversary of the foundation of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul and the 210th anniversary of the birth of Blessed Antoine-Frederic Ozanam.
On 26 March, a special ceremony was held to mark the retirement of long-standing SSVP servant, George Newman. After 44 years' dedicated service, 'Uncle' George took the decision to stand down for health reasons.
After being dormant for a couple of years, St Pius X in Newcastle is now the most active Conference in Central Council.
On Sunday, 5 February at 2pm South African time, the Council General International will host, live on Facebook, another “Talk Show with the President General”.
On 31 January 2023, brother Renato Lima de Oliveira, 16th President General International of the SSVP, published another Circular Letter.
A Christmas Message for all Vincentians from the National President, Peter Keshwar
Christmas came early to many poor people who felt the warmth of human kindness in the form of much needed gifts of food and clothing.
The theme of this year’s World Day of the Poor was, “For your sakes, Christ became poor.” What a wonderful reminder to us all that we need to stop living money-centred lives and concentrate on what’s really important.
Congratulations Orange River CC on the celebration of your 60th year in action, as well as to the PE St Anthony’s Conference, which celebrated 35 years.
On 27 September we celebrated the feast of St Vincent de Paul, the French, 17th century priest whose work among the poor and marginalized inspired our movement.