Circular Letter of the President General of SSVP

For the fifth consecutive year, our brother Renato Lima de Oliveira, 16th President General of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, publishes his Circular Letter in which he addresses the fellow members of the world, contributing themes for general reflection.

Since 1841, it has been a tradition among the Presidents General to write the Circular Letter. In this 2021 edition, our President General offers a message of hope and improvement, after the challenges experienced by humanity – and obviously by the SSVP and the Vincentian Family – during the pandemic. In addition, he takes stock of the activities carried out by the General Council over the past year, highlighting the progress in the areas of youth, the canonization of Ozanam, administrative management, online training and the interaction among the fellow members.

The document is divided into five chapters: 1) Introduction; 2) General Council News; 3) Recommendations to the Vincentians; 4) International Thematic Year on Founder Jules Devaux; 5) Conclusions.

“The Circular Letter is a powerful tool of Vincentian training for the entire Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The President General’s writings provide his reflections on the most significant topics of our time and on the challenges faced by the fellow members, the Conferences, the special works and the Councils. The Circular Letter deserves to be read and reflected upon, as it can help the Vincentian work in its quest for greater efficiency and quality in service. The section of the text dealing with empathy, intelligence and tenderness is a positive message to all of us,” stressed the International Vice-President for Training, Marisa Téllez.

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