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Join our 2500 members and volunteers who live their faith by reaching out to disadvantaged people in their local community.

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Do you know how to lay bricks? Plumbing … dressmaking … knitting? Can you start a vegetable garden … tutor a child? Contact us!

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Supplies such as blankets, clothing and shoes, toiletries, food, building materials and paint, fabric and knitting wool are always needed.

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When you have nothing, the kindness of strangers fills your heart with hope and gratitude

Making sandwiches for World Day of the Poor

Sunday 17 November is World Day of the Poor …


… a day set aside by Pope Francis for reflecting on our responsibility to connect with, support and uplift the less fortunate members of our communities.


Sadly, this important message of caring and kindness is lost amid the hype of something much more popular – Black Friday – a day devoted to consumerism, self-gratification and spending.


If you’re planning on splashing out on Black Friday, please consider donating a portion of what you save to the Society of St Vincent de Paul. Even if you won’t be rushing to the shops in search of bargains, please support World Day of the Poor – and help us to be there for those who are suffering and distress.


Your donation of just R50 buys five loaves of bread. Add another R60 for a jar of peanut butter, and we can give ten starving children a nutritious sandwich next Sunday. You don’t even have to help make the sandwiches or take them to those who would otherwise go hungry. Our members will do all the work.


If you can spare R120, we can buy a 10kg bag of maize meal or 5kg of rice for a stew … R360 buys 10kg chicken pieces. Donations of any amount help pay for cans of tuna, polony, soup mix, fresh veggies and cooking oil.


So please, will you chip in to help us reach as many hungry people as possible this World Day of the Poor? Together, we can give them the most precious gift of all … a little hope.

Donate now

Help SSVP reach out to those who are hungry and afraid on World Day of the Poor, by making a donation of any amount to our organisation today.


Then please take a moment to share this message with friends and family, sparking conversations around poverty and compassion and spreading Christ’s message of mercy and hope.

Thank you for your compassion and generosity.

Heart of our work

Our core work involves alleviating the worst human suffering in areas of abject poverty – where families live in homes made of cardboard or thin plastic … where unemployment and malnutrition is rife … and where parents are dying and leaving children to care for one another.

We help the hungry, the homeless, the sick, vulnerable children and destitute aged.

And because most of the work is done by volunteers, almost every cent you donate goes directly to helping those in need.

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Kindness by numbers






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