National Youth Council – new leadership elected

Young people form a very important part of SSVP – our future leaders and inspiration.

By encouraging young people to participate in the good works, we ensure that the legacy of SSVP carries on, and we entrench the spirit and footprint of SSVP amongst our young people. This also changes the general perception that SSVP is an organisation of the Old. In the same way young people established the first Conference of SSVP in Paris, so we acknowledge the good works of SSVP youth in South Africa.

The National Youth Council has been entrusted with the mammoth task of furthering the development of SSVP youth and the youth of society at large. Addressing matters and concerns of youth, including active participation and the engagement of young people, is at the core of the NYC business.

Father Nkosinathi Nkabinde CSSP, Rector at The Divine Mercy Shrine, gave an invaluable inspirational talk regarding alternative and innovative ways that the NYC can contribute and actively participate in addressing the challenges youth face daily – in their families, the communities in which they live, at church and life in general.

NYC is aiming at engaging our youth with meaning, encouraging the good works, building networks and increasing the circle.

The NYC executive is comprised of ten (10) members from across our country. The following members were elected as the first NYE executive:

Sister Boipelo Mathodlana (President);
Sister Charmelle La Bercensie (Deputy President);
Brother Thabo Mojaki (Secretary);
Sister Ofentse Mahasha (Social and Friendship);
Sister Saralize Swartz (Social and Friendship);
Brother Alpo Bongo (Communication);
Sister Sanelisiwe Lesenyeho (Communication);
Brother Qwendall Gouws,  (Spiritual);
Sister Lindokuhle Mwelase (Finance);
Brother Sabelo Malindi (Finance).

this is the first Youth Council in South Africa and it will go down in the annals of SSVP history books. We wish them a successful leadership. May they be strong in the face of adversity as they inspire and lead the youth.

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