SSVP conferences in Cape Town and Durbanville are leading the fight against poverty in their area.
We were appointed by the Archbishop to drive the Covid-19 Food Parcel campaign and to date have delivered 8000 food parcels to needy families in our Archdiocese . Our members have courageously taken up the fight against poverty far up the West Coast, into the rural Wineland areas and the Cape Flats.
Most conferences transcended their normal boundaries to reach out to the poor .Members have tackled this project with determination and passion, in fufillment of their mission of serving the Poor. They are true ambassadors of the Society .
While SSVP is prioritising its efforts on getting food to the hungry, we are also continuing our normal work of assisting private cases and supporting two homes for abandoned children.
We also support eight soup kitchens, each serving around 100-150 people every day. An innovative concept that we also support is ‘food stations’. Ten to twenty homes in the community are identified as food stations and supplied with soup and other food ingredients. They each cook and supply food to five families around them. This is a great idea of involving the community as well as getting food out to the poor.
Thank you to the many generous donors who support our work. All money received is accounted for to the last cent, together with an analysis of how and to whom the money was disbursed. There are no expenses claimed as all our work is voluntary.
With your help, SSVP is working with many good people doing our utmost to help many needy and hungry people during this difficult time.