Businesses have a vital role to play in the twinning programme. With substantial financial and material resources at their disposal, as well as skilled people, they can ensure the success of our projects.
In return, businesses that ‘twin’ with SSvP benefit from knowing that their investment will be put to good use. A well known International organisation with a spotless reputation, SSvP brings a high level of trust to the relationship. A spin off benefit is the team-building aspect of involving staff in charity work. This can also lead to personal growth and greater job satisfaction.
Our outreach projects are carefully researched, monitored and evaluated. CSI managers can act with confidence, knowing that they will be able to provide feedback to the company. In addition, our projects often benefit the communities from which the company’s own staff are drawn. This creates a win-win situation!
Ideally the business ‘twin’ is a company in the same vicinity as the SSvP Conference – although it’s not essential. It’s also helpful if there is a Catholic, or at least Christian person on the staff who is known to a member of the conference or Parish. This person serves as the first point of contact. After being exposed to the project in an informal way, he or she can then introduce it to the CSI manager or MD of the company.
Thereafter the relationship must be formal and managed through the conference business twinning officer.